Saturday, October 20, 2007

Wandering in the desert for 35 days and 35 nights

The results of the bone marrow test were terrific. Jim is in 100% remission, his red blood cells and his white blood cells have responded and are back to normal but his platelets are not. Dr. Ansari told us that when he admitted Jim to the hospital, he thought that he had cured the cancer but killed his body.

The question of the third outpatient chemo will not be answered for 5 weeks (hence the wandering in the desert for 35 days and nights). Jim has got to get stronger and keep his numbers up. Dr. Ansari is hoping that the rest will allow the platelets to recover. We are looking weekly blood tests which is not a big deal.

Please continue with your prayers. We would love visitors but call before you come. Colleen is taking a much earned vacation next week and Sean is coming to parent sit. It will be good to see him and have his list of chores completed.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Same Song, Second, Third and Fourth Verses

So much has happened durinig the last month and a half, that I hardly know where to begin. The first round of chemo, outpatuent, was completed in August and Jim got a break because of Labor Day. Because Dr. Ansari did not want the chemo to extend over a full weekend, the chemo started a week later that we anticipated. Jim felt really good that week and we even spent about 4 hours at our newly acquited lake cottage. Chemo started the second week in September and Jim tolerated it just fine. Ten days out, however, he developed a strep infection and was hopitalized for 6 days. He was not a happy camper. Nobody likes to be in the hospital less than Jim. Nothing suited him and I was glad when he came home because he was not so crabby. He had a bone marrow test last Thursday and we will get the results tomorrow.

Things are good at home -- many thanks to the Saint Joseph High School teachers for their meals. Thanks to our sister-in-law for her meals and for walking in the leukemia for Jim. The blood drive held in Jim's honor was a rousing success. The students, staff and faculty donated 54 pints of blood. Chris Bishop did an outstanding job s the coordinator.

Please keep praying -- we have many bumps to get over before we are back to our normal routines.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

And this little piggie went oui, oui, oui all the way to the hospital

Wednesday was Jay's day to see Dr. Ansari. His white count was not good at all so Dr. Ansari told him that he would get a shot and then have to have a transfusion of both blood and platelets. Because of the overload at St. Joe Medical Center, Jay was wanting until Thursday to go in and get the transfusion. Unfortunately, he spiked a 101.9 degree temperature on Wednesday night and had to be admitted to the hospital. The floor was almost full (for those in South Bend, you might remember when Memorial Hospital did not renew their contract with the South Bend Medical Foundation for testing. This has resulted in a major slowdown of test results getting back to the patients and doctors causing longer stays in the hospital. The patients are not happy and neither is Medicare so the patients are going to SJMC causing the overload.) and Jay was first put in a room with another patient but he was moved about midnight to a private room. He received 2 units of blood and platelets overnight. On Thursday, he got four units of blood and more platelets. He is finally sounding better on the phone and hopefully will get to come home tomorrow because he is really bored.

We had a family wedding this weekend but unfortunately Jay and I missed it. I have it on good authority that the bride was absolutely beautiful and her maid of honor was too cute. The ring bearer had curls just like Sean did when he was that age. We were sorry to miss it but sent our prayers and good wishes to them.

Thanks to our cooks of the week -- Karen Purkhiser, Mary Porter and Linda Fitzpatrick. The food is always so good.

Way to go Indians! Keep this up and we will be seeing you in the Dome.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Another Week, Another Million Doctor's Appointments

If you looked at our calendar, you would see that our social life consists of seeing a great number of the medical professionals that serve the South Bend community. It feels like we know all of them -- I am sure that we don't and I am very thankful for that. However, all of the professionals that we do know, treat us with kindness and compassion as well as with great skill and knowledge.

Jay had his weekly check-up with Dr. Ansari. The news was good once again, no cancer cells are present in his blood but his counts are very low. He had received a shot to boost his white cells on Monday so he had to have one to boost his red cells. Nurse Margaret gave him the shot and Jay proceed to almost faint. If you want to see a speed race, you could have witnessed the 4 nurses and the 1 nurse practitioner moving at the speed of light. They had him up and out of the guest chairs and into chemo chair (the chemo chairs are big lazy boy loungers) in a split second. He had a cool wash cloth put on his head -- he looked like a Arab sheik with his harem, and a warm blanket wrapped around him. The blood pressure cuff and pulse reader were attached and juice put in his hand to drink. What had happened was that Jay had held his breath because the shot stings a lot. When he tried to breath again, he couldn't and thus the almost fainting happening. Since I was supposed to come back later in the day for chemo, the nurses moved up the time so that they could keep an eye on Jay. He is getting a transfusion today so he should feel a lot better tomorrow. I have worked with the nurses for over a year and can testify that they are some of the best, most skilled and kind people there are. The care they provide is wonderful. Many thanks to Margaret, Annie, Brenda, Mary and Ruth for taking such good care of us.

I had my biopsy on Wednesday and the results are supposed to be available today. Dr. Ansari is out of town so I won't hear anything until next week. I am slightly anxious but I have learned in the past 9 years that it is going to be what it is so I will deal with it when the results are available.

School started this week and Jay was very sorry that he was not there. He knows the sub very well and is confident that he will take good care of the students. We know that all of the students at SJHS are praying for his speedy recovery. It is going to be very different tonight when the football team plays -- Jay has not missed too many football games since he has been at school. I know he will miss the team mass with Father Bly as well as cheering on the Indians. If this is the year to go to the Dome, I hope we can make it to Indy with them.

Prayers and blessings to all of you.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

A Praise the Lord Kind of Day

Really, every day is a Praise the Lord kind of day but last Wednesday was a special one. Jay and I had made oncology appointments and chemo appointments together. The office was laughing because they didn't know who to stick first. Dr. Ansari told his nurse that he could only handle one file at a time -- Jay came first and we learned that there were no cancer cells present
in his blood and his numbers were good. He had started chemo on Monday and wore a pump all week. It suppose to infuse in over 5 days but it actually took 6 so I got to play nurse yesterday and unhook everything. He is very tired but remains cheerful because he is having such good success with the chemo.

I came next and got the results of the scans that I had on Tuesday. The tumor in the lower back had disappeared. The one on the chest wall appeared to have grown a small amount. Dr. Ansari thinks that the tumor is actually dead and is swelling in response to the body's own reaction to it. I am having a lung biopsy on Wednesday to determine what it actually is. I am anxious to know.

Our in -house chef (i.e. Sean) leaves for school on Tuesday. It has been a joy having him here and the house will be lonely without him. It will probably be less messy also. Colleen starts meetings next week so things will slowly get back to "normal". Jay has said that he would much rather be starting school this week than seeing doctors. I don't blame him one bit. And we forgot to tell you that the last sibling came to town -- Mary Lou came up from Florida and spend the week with her Mom, sisters and brothers. That is the longest that we have seen her since she moved to Florida. So, all seven of the brothers and sisters have been here. I think that all 7 of them will be here in October around the USC game.

Please come and see us -- just call before you come to make sure that we are up and about.

Our prayers and love to all of you.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Pushing the Envelope

Usually most cancer patients push the fatigue envelope, thinking that they are back to the pre-cancer state. Jay is no exception. He keeps trying to do all of the things that he is use to doing and then collapses on the couch. I am constantly telling him to sit down and watch HGTV. He might get some good ideas like painting stripes in the living room!

We go to the oncology office tomorrow. One of the questions for the nurse practitioner is when we can bring our cats home. We are so use to having them around that we are very lonely without them. We won't ask that question of the oncologist because he doesn' t like pets and does not think that animals belong in the home.

We appreciate all that everyone has done for us. You will always remain in our prayers.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Jay's first post!

Been home since Friday and every day I feel a little stronger.

I went to the oncologist on Wednesday and got the very best news possible. I
am now 100% cancer free and in remission. The doctor has removed all restrictions, just take it easy and don’t try to do too much. I will still have to have more chemo the week of August 6th and again a week in September and October. I go in next week for a port and the chemo will be outpatient.

I lost over 20 lbs. This is not a diet I would recommend to anyone. Most of the loss was muscle. My waist is still about the same.

I want to thank everyone for their prayers and support. I know they were instrumental in my remission. Please continue I still have a long journey ahead.

Thanks for all the cards. They certainly helped to keep my spirits up. Please feel free to stop and see me. I would love to have visitors. Just call before 271-5810. You may see me out driving the convertible soon.

Love to all.
